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  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks
  • PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks

PubHubs - The Best OW XR Axle Blocks

Out of Stock

Introducing the BEST Axle Blocks you can get for the OneWheel XR. These axle blocks were designed with durability, flexibility and maximum cooling in mind.

I want to give massive thanks to AudenBuilds for coming up with the original design! Building Open Source parts for FM Boards is needed and i am glad Auden is working so hard on them! 



Paramount Cooling - More on that below

Lift/Lower by 11mm (flip blocks over for lowering)

Fits thicker motor wiring (up to 14mm)

Extremely strong

Fits original cable clamps & hardware

Precise axle clamping diameter for better heat transfer

Included FOR FREE - 8g of Arctic MX-4 Thermal paste
Anodized in Deep Black

CNC Machined In-House in Europe, Czech Republic


Thread sizes:
Block to Rail Hole:  5/16 - 18NC

Cable Cover Hole:  #4-40 x 1/4"


Thermal testing: 
Check out the last picture from the gallery to see thermal results of this test

For thermal testing, i took my Stock XR and rode up and down a steep hill at low speed, to make sure minimal cooling by airflow can happen. On one side, i had the original axle block, on the other, i had the PubHubs block.

At the time of this test i did not have any thermal paste in the blocks, you can expect even better heat dissipation. Also keep in mind the Axle is one long piece, so having one side cooled less and one more also shifts the results.

Even considering all of the variables in this test, i was able to have a 3,4 Deg Celsius difference in temperature in between the halves of the axle. This proves this design is amazing at cooling, and when you account anodizing in black, thermal paste, and having blocks on both sides, will allow you to achieve the best cooling possible.

  • 2x PubHubs Axle Blocks
    1x Arctic MX-4 Thermal paste (8g)